“Bones and All” by Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross

I really don’t know how they do it, but Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross have once again delivered a fantastic score that adds another nuance to their already considerable repertoire after David Fincher’s Mank and the HBO’s Watchmen series, to name only a few. Both as a film and as a soundtrack, Bones and All is more than the sum of its parts. Horror meets coming-of-age meets romance meets social drama. The score captures all of these aspects in an incredibly compelling way, as the soundtrack album is bookmarked with four absolutely stunning variations on the beautiful main motif, led…

“Watchmen” by Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross

Who would have ever believed that Trent I Wanna Fuck You Like An Animal Reznor would one day score a Pixar movie? Not me, that’s for sure, even though I’m a big NIN fan and certainly know about the musical qualities of this man and his creative partner. But an animated film? One that is rooted in the Jazz genre? Even for the year 2020 that felt a little bit like fake news to me. But it’s certainly true, thanks to the innovative thinking of Pete Docter, director and creative director of Pixar, who time and again has proven that…

“The FIFA Series” by Various Artists

When I thought about working on a video game soundtrack again, I certainly didn’t have in mind EA Sports’ FIFA series. But then again, why not? After all I was and still am spending quite a lot of free time on these titles each year. So here are some alternate soundtrack covers for the last four FIFA games – the only ones I have played on console. I’m well aware that the target audience of these soundtracks is probably using Spotify & Co. and therefore has no need for custom covers. But if you’re an old stager like me, still…

Lost Covers, Vol. 4

Man, has it really been this long already? Last week HQCovers has officially turned five. By now it has learned to write its own name and has become extremely picky when it comes to dress up in the morning. Also, its extended warranty has now expired, so your chance to file a complaint is officially over ;-) I deliberately didn’t parade this anniversary, because this blog is essentially the digital extension of my own self and thus doesn’t like to stand in the spotlight. Instead I once again let the art speak for itself. I’m actually publishing Vol. 4 of this ongoing thing,…

“Patriots Day” by Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross

America, Fuck Yeah! – My immediate gut reaction when I saw the poster campaign for Peter Berg’s newest tearjearker Patriots Day. The previous films of this small-town Michael Bay haven’t exactly been known for their extraordinary thoughtfulness or depth. And I guess this one makes no difference, regardless of its (especially in this day and age) sensitive background story. I was even more surprised to see Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross attached to this film. Without judging Berg or his body of work, it seemed like an odd collaboration to me. But as stated in a recent interview, breaking new grounds was exactly their reason…