Lost Covers, Vol. 6

Some things never change. A sort of mantra that was sitting on top of one of my first websites. And I guess it is just like that. But some things do change and here are six that have changed over time on HQCovers. Making a virtue of necessity Back in the early 2000s, I started making my own soundtrack covers due to the lack of high quality artwork available. This whole thing really was born out of necessity. Over time I’ve more and more started tackling soundtracks that I don’t even have. And by now I mainly do it for…

“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” by John Williams

So… where were we? Oh right, I had put all my unfinished projects on hold to tinker with some cowboy covers. And it only took me 287 days. Wonderful, huh?!? I’m sure both of you regular visitors didn’t mind. But now back to business, shall we? After all there has been a new Star Wars movie coming along. And although I doubted that the finale of the sequel trilogy would affect me as emotionally as the originals did at their time, I’m still quite a passionate fan when it comes to George Lucas’ space opera. Most of all I’m keen…

“Indiana Jones – The Sonic Adventure Collection” by John Williams

With this set I’m fulfilling the second out of five promises that I’ve teased on social media at new year’s eve. And it’s really great to finally be able to tick this off of my list. Indiana Jones has always been sort of like a holy grail for me and I’ve made a firm commitment to only start working on it, when I felt like having enough inspiration to turn it into something special (at least for me). It finally came in the form of my friend SonicAdventure, who offered me a collaboration for one of his established Deluxe Editions….

Lost Covers, Vol. 5

This years entry of our ongoing series “Lost Covers” contains a wide array of different works. Like its predecessors, most covers in here showcase all kinds of failures and *whatcangowrongs* in cover design. But there also are little gemstones like my contract work for Gwenaël Mario Grisi, a rising Belgian composer whose overnight(!) composition Through the Clouds definitely was one of the most beautiful tracks I’ve heard in 2017. Also, Gwenaël has his own IMdb page, so he’s officially my new best friend ;) The overall amount of commissioned covers is unusually high this time. Not royalty-based though, only voluntary…

“The Post” by John Williams

I cook covers on low flame, keeping the oven hot at all times. And by that I mean that a lot of these published custom covers series you see here have been in development for a long, long time. Even already finished custom covers reside inside my Google Drive folder, waiting for their light of day. And it’s not unusual, that I overhaul them right before publishing. Often times the most striking ideas come in those last moments. The Green Mile is the perfect example for that working method, for there is nearly a two years break in between the…