“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” by John Williams

So… where were we? Oh right, I had put all my unfinished projects on hold to tinker with some cowboy covers. And it only took me 287 days. Wonderful, huh?!? I’m sure both of you regular visitors didn’t mind. But now back to business, shall we? After all there has been a new Star Wars movie coming along. And although I doubted that the finale of the sequel trilogy would affect me as emotionally as the originals did at their time, I’m still quite a passionate fan when it comes to George Lucas’ space opera. Most of all I’m keen…

Lost Covers, Vol. 5

This years entry of our ongoing series “Lost Covers” contains a wide array of different works. Like its predecessors, most covers in here showcase all kinds of failures and *whatcangowrongs* in cover design. But there also are little gemstones like my contract work for Gwenaël Mario Grisi, a rising Belgian composer whose overnight(!) composition Through the Clouds definitely was one of the most beautiful tracks I’ve heard in 2017. Also, Gwenaël has his own IMdb page, so he’s officially my new best friend ;) The overall amount of commissioned covers is unusually high this time. Not royalty-based though, only voluntary…

“Star Wars – The Dan Mumford Series” by John Williams

Hello! Today I’m presenting you both old and new stuff. Over the course of the last few weeks London based freelance illustrator Dan Mumford released the full set of art prints that he did for The Last Jedi. I took this opportunity and turned them into four different custom covers, just like I did roughly two years ago for The Force Awakens (I overhauled those as well). Assuming that there’ll be four more artworks in two more years, at the latest, for Episode IX, I thought that it’s finally time to give these ladies their own spotlight. In case you’re interested in having these designs…

“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” by John Williams

Almost exactly two years ago I was just about to finish what would become HQCovers‘ most successful blog entry so far: Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was a massive undertaking, at least from my perspective. Twenty (quite complicated) custom covers and related in-depth liner notes. All in all it took me about eight weeks, which is quite a lot compared to other entrys on this site. That’s why I decided that this year I’ll make it fast and easy. And by fast and easy I mean that I re-used most of my old templates and knocked out this entire collection over…

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Deluxe Edition)” by Michael Giacchino, John Williams

December… it’s that time of the year again. When hundreds of thousands of people cheerfully maintain their religious traditions. And children of all ages desperately wait for that one single night. The whole world is collectively going nuts over the annual celebrations that start to feel just like the years before. In short: It’s Star Wars time. I did not really want to treat Michael Giacchino’s Rogue One here, or for that matter Disney’s entire A Star Wars Story anthology series, mainly because I was afraid that it would make me suffer from Star Wars fatigue pretty soon. And that’s something I…