“The FIFA Series” by Various Artists

When I thought about working on a video game soundtrack again, I certainly didn’t have in mind EA Sports’ FIFA series. But then again, why not? After all I was and still am spending quite a lot of free time on these titles each year. So here are some alternate soundtrack covers for the last four FIFA games – the only ones I have played on console. I’m well aware that the target audience of these soundtracks is probably using Spotify & Co. and therefore has no need for custom covers. But if you’re an old stager like me, still…

Lost Covers, Vol. 5

This years entry of our ongoing series “Lost Covers” contains a wide array of different works. Like its predecessors, most covers in here showcase all kinds of failures and *whatcangowrongs* in cover design. But there also are little gemstones like my contract work for Gwenaël Mario Grisi, a rising Belgian composer whose overnight(!) composition Through the Clouds definitely was one of the most beautiful tracks I’ve heard in 2017. Also, Gwenaël has his own IMdb page, so he’s officially my new best friend ;) The overall amount of commissioned covers is unusually high this time. Not royalty-based though, only voluntary…

“Blade Runner 2049” by Benjamin Wallfisch, Hans Zimmer

There’s a lot to love about Blade Runner 2049, whether it’s the faithful continuation of the story from original pen Hampton Fancher or the stunningly beautiful cinematography from camera virtuoso Roger Deakins. A lot of things that deserve to be praised. Unfortunately the films marketing campaign ain’t one of them. And it’s a real shame, because, considering its poor box office performance, this film really could have used some catchy and favourable media coverage. Instead we got this trite orange & teal trivialities that look nothing like Denis Villeneuve’s dark nuanced neo-noir thriller. Not like the barren wastelands and certainly…

Lost Covers, Vol. 4

Man, has it really been this long already? Last week HQCovers has officially turned five. By now it has learned to write its own name and has become extremely picky when it comes to dress up in the morning. Also, its extended warranty has now expired, so your chance to file a complaint is officially over ;-) I deliberately didn’t parade this anniversary, because this blog is essentially the digital extension of my own self and thus doesn’t like to stand in the spotlight. Instead I once again let the art speak for itself. I’m actually publishing Vol. 4 of this ongoing thing,…

“Angels & Demons (Deluxe Edition)” by Hans Zimmer

Once again I’ve collaborated on an unofficial “Deluxe Edition” made by my dear friend SonicAdventure. This time it was an expanded edition of Hans Zimmer’s Angels & Demons. When he was done with mixing and mastering Sonic came to me for some suggestions on his own custom covers and we discussed various design aspects. One of those topics were the ambigrams of typography professor and distinguished expert in fine art, Mr. John Langdon. Langdon, who by the way served as a template for Dan Brown’s main character in his ongoing Robert Langdon book series, had come up with various logos for Angels & Demons and I suggested…