Lost Covers, Vol. 4

Man, has it really been this long already? Last week HQCovers has officially turned five. By now it has learned to write its own name and has become extremely picky when it comes to dress up in the morning. Also, its extended warranty has now expired, so your chance to file a complaint is officially over ;-) I deliberately didn’t parade this anniversary, because this blog is essentially the digital extension of my own self and thus doesn’t like to stand in the spotlight. Instead I once again let the art speak for itself. I’m actually publishing Vol. 4 of this ongoing thing,…

“Tale of Tales” by Alexandre Desplat

Some months ago I’ve published a blog post dedicated to Jeff Cardoni’s Silicon Valley. It was a rather unusual entry to my ever-growing portfolio, because there simply has never been any soundtrack release to use my custom cover with. It was all hypothetical and people kept asking me, why I’ve spent my precious time on a project that obviously served no purpose. Well, guess what… I did it again! The music to Alexandre Desplat’s Il Racconto dei Racconti (Tale of Tales) has never been released commercially. Not even as a bootleg. There’s a badly edited suite available online to give you…

Lost Covers, Vol. 1

I don’t know why, but a few days ago, late at night, I was thinking about all my “failed” attempts at creating well-crafted cover art. I was visiting the Final Fantasy Shrine Forums, browsing through all that awesome cover art posted there and I wondered how much time the people over there invest in this creative, time-consuming hobby. Are they as nitpicky as me? Everyone loves his own creations, otherwise we wouldn’t publish it, but for my part it sometimes degenerates a bit. I often spend hours on one single image. I’ve created one cover with thirty-three different font types,…

“Godzilla” by Alexandre Desplat

There are only a handful of new soundtracks each year that I want to support with custom album art. I normally pick my choices solely based on the respective directors or composers involved (this year that would be Gone Girl, Interstellar and The Hobbit). It happens very rarely that I encounter a new movie poster and immediately feel the urge to turn it into a custom cover. But it did happen in March with the SXSW poster to Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla. I quite enjoyed his directorial debut Monsters, but the art design for his follow-up project downright blew me away! From the posters campaign to the trailer (and hopefully so to Alexandre Desplat’s…