Lost Covers, Vol. 6

Some things never change. A sort of mantra that was sitting on top of one of my first websites. And I guess it is just like that. But some things do change and here are six that have changed over time on HQCovers. Making a virtue of necessity Back in the early 2000s, I started making my own soundtrack covers due to the lack of high quality artwork available. This whole thing really was born out of necessity. Over time I’ve more and more started tackling soundtracks that I don’t even have. And by now I mainly do it for…

“The Homesman” by Marco Beltrami

When tackling modern western soundtracks The Homesman certainly shouldn’t be missed. After all it’s one of the most beautiful and heartfelt scores Marco Beltrami has ever written, and it’s backing up a small, independent film that’s not to be missed either. The Homesman tells the story of a frontier farm woman (Hilary Swank) who saves the life of a claim-jumper (Tommy Lee Jones) and persuades him to help her escort three insane women to a safe haven in Iowa. (synchrotones.com) It’s not exactly a thick plot, but The Homesman could perfectly be converted into a Red Dead Redemption II questline. First…

Lost Covers, Vol. 3

The unwanted brainchilds, the dispassionate requests, the okay’ish ones I guess and the late comers. Also the lone wolves that’d definitely deserve a single post but somehow didn’t end up in one. They all suffer the same fate: Being dumped into this consolation prize of a blog entry, without the chance of ever being the single featured image on the front page. For the third time now. I should rename this series into The Good, the Bad and the Tragically Misjudged. But Lost Covers rolls off the tongue more elegantly. Though not everything’s lost on these to be honest. This time I’ve included two covers, that rightfully deserve a gallery…

“Gods of Egypt” by Marco Beltrami

Writing in superlatives week after week does detract from credibility. When every other design or album art is amazing, brilliant and what not, it can become tiresome after a while. So maybe that’s the most positive thing about todays entry. That it allows me to balance things out a bit. A wise man once said, the sweet is never as sweet without the sour, and boy is this entry anchored on the sour end of the scale. And I’m not talking about the music here, mind you. After all this is still a blog dedicated to design and the work of visual…

Lost Covers, Vol. 2

HQCovers recently surpassed 100000 views and I thought I’d take this opportunity to have a little resume and see where I’m from, where I’m at and where I’m going. The Past I started creating soundtrack covers in 2006 after I bought the iPod Video, the first one to handle cover artworks. High quality scans were a rarity back then, so I began making them myself in glorious 500×500 pixels! And because I’m a kind person I shared them via the now defunct Amazon customer image galleries. Some of them are still online, for example here’s a nice one that shows my early typewriting skills.  After some time I had a…